Tuesday 21 May 2013


A deceptively complex question.

The dictionary definition of happiness is: a state of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy; emotions experienced when in a state of well-being.

Like many I spent a long time pursuing happiness, trying to figure out what it was. I looked for answers everywhere. It started with getting a higher education, followed by finding the right job after graduation, becoming financially secure and somewhere down the line, even possibly getting married and start my own family.

Why? I would say that I was strongly influenced by family and friends, and society’s vision of what life is suppose to look like.

Happiness by many is measured by the amount of money they have, their social status, or the type of job they hold. Most of us never take the time to actually think about what makes us happy. Most of the time we just go through the motion hoping that one day we will experience true happiness.



Happiness is defined differently by each individual. People can attain happiness through physical or mental terms depending on hopes and aspirations.

In my quest I discovered that true happiness is to be found within one self, in the state of our hearts. As Buddhism teaches us; we are each responsible for our own happiness or unhappiness.

I believe this to be true.

Happiness is what YOU make of it.



"Happiness Within"

High to low them ups and downs,
Like my world, from smiles to frowns.
Happiness is a place that seems in reach,
One for oneself, we look to find it each.
But is this a mission or are we all blinded to see?
That's it's within ourselves, but we scorn to agree?
The simplest things in life, are hard to be grateful for,
Which is why happiness is dug deep into our core .
Open your eyes and see its within,
And once you see it, life well take you for a spin :)

Author: Anymonous




















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