Friday 25 October 2013

Health Benefits of Coconut Water‏

To start with, it is important that you don’t mix the terms “coconut water” and “coconut milk”. The methods of production of the two are entirely different and there are approximately 10 times as many calories in coconut milk. Not something you would want, especially if you are trying to lose weight.

For me it's not a weight issue. I drink coconut water because I like it and because of its health benefits. Born in the carribean I enjoyed coconut water on a daily basis. Coconut water was like sweet soda to me.
Did you know that coconut water hydrates us even better than ordinary drinking water. Coconut water is rich in dietary fiber, enzymes, vitamin C, minerals (such as magnesium and potassium) and amino acids. But at the same time it is low in calories, chlorides and cholesterol. These properties make it useful for people trying to loose weight (by speeding up their metabolism and creating a feeling of fullness). By applying coconut water directly on your skin, you will keep it hydrated and balance its pH levels, leading to reduced acne, less visible signs of ageing, stretch marks, and cellulite and even treat eczema. Drinking coconut water will also help boost your immune system and fight the symptoms of the common cold and flu; keep your cardiovascular health in top shape and aid the kidneys in filtering the toxins and thus reducing the risk of kidney stones.

Health Benefits of Coconut Water

  1. Reduce high blood pressure
    Coconut water is high in potassium and some studies have reported that low levels of potassium has been linked to high blood pressure. Therefore, drinking coconut water regularly can help in regulating blood pressure.Similar recent studies also have found that coconut water can help raise HDL (good) cholesterol, which makes it an excellent natural treatment for maintaining good cardiovascular health.
  2. Strengthen the Immune System
    The lauric acid in Coconut water has antibacterial, antifungal, antimicrobial, and antiprotozoal properties, which help strengthen the body’s immune system against a variety of viruses and illness.
  3. Keep Body Hydrated
    Since coconut water is pack with all five of the same electrolytes that the body has, including potassium, magnesium, chloride, calcium and sodium. Altogether, play an important role in keeping the body hydrated during physical activities. Even the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) have fought for a patent in 2000 to promote coconut water as the next big sports drink.
  4. Helps Lose Weight
    Coconut water is low in calories and 99% fat-free. A serving of coconut water has just 46 calories. So regular intake of coconut water can help shed unwanted pounds by increasing the metabolic rate.
  5. Aids in Digestion and Metabolism
    Coconut water contains various bioactive enzymes such as acid phosphatase, catalase, dehydrogenase, diastase, peroxidase and RNA polymerases, which help to overcome the problem of digestion and metabolism. Drinking of coconut water on a regular basis has been shown effective in dealing abdomen discomfort.
  6. Improve Blood Circulation
    Coconut water is also good source of fiber, vitamin C and protein which can help in improving blood circulation and heart rate.
  7. Good for Pregnant Women
    Coconut water is an efficient natural remedy for pregnant women who suffer from acidity, constipation and heartburn problems. It is also helps boost the levels of amniotic fluid, which plays a vital role in the overall wellness of the baby. With such great benefits, it is no wonder that coconut water is recommended for pregnant women.
  8. Treats Urinary Infections
    Coconut water is a natural diuretic which helps prevent urinary tract infections (UTI) as well as relieve the kidney stones problem.
  9. Promotes Skin Health
    Coconut water acts as a light moisturizer which also decreases excessive oil on the skin. This proves to be beneficial for smoothing the skin as well. It can be used directly to a bath or mix with liquid shower gel. This natural water is also best for treating acne and blackheads as well.
  10. Increase Energy Levels
    The lauric acid in coconut water stimulates the production of thyroid hormones, thereby increasing your metabolic rate, which in turn increase your energy level.

As I'm about to enjoy a full month's holiday in the caribbean, visiting the Commonwealth of Dominica, I'll be making sure to take full advantage of all the healthy foods the lovely nature island has to offer me.   


Tuesday 6 August 2013

Healthy turkey & vegetable layer cake

Brown rice and chopped turkey breast mixed with bell peppers, mushrooms, chopped shallots, red onions, 2 garlic cloves (crushed), parsley, red kidney beans, avocados bits and feta cheese sprinkled on the top layer. I then used ten Savoy cabbage leaves as a cake layer to keep the ingredients together.

Savoy cabbage leaves

Bring a large pan of salted water to the boil. Remove any tough outer leaves from the cabbage, then separate the large green leaves from the heads. You’ll need about 10. Blanch for 2 minutes or until just tender, then plunge into cold water and drain.

I buttered the springform cake tin with olive oil, then lined it with most of the cabbage leaves, overlapping slightly and leaving an overhanging edge. I spooned the brown rice, turkey breast and mixed vegetables, parsley, red kidney beans, avocados bits and feta cheese into the tin lined with the cabbage leaves. Then folded the overhanging edges of the cabbages over the ingredients and sealed it in with the remaining leaves. I placed the healthy turkey & vegetable layer cake into the oven for 10 minutes before serving.

Bon appétit!

Friday 19 July 2013

Living in the positive

Keeping negativity out of your life

Imagine you thinking life's good. You are highly educated, surrounded by a great group of friends and loving family, and have a promising career ahead. Then one morning you wake up and "POOF" – your health has taken a turn for the worst. The social life as you once knew it is no more, you are chronically ill on and off, therefore unable to hold on to your job. Though you have tried hard to get back on track, you end up against your will having to apply for Social benefits. You are now receiving not half, but three quarter less of your salary. Life has changed dramatically and with your fragile health, it does not look like there is much you can do about it. You are trying your hardest to stay in the game but find yourself lacking the energy to keep up. Imagine the frustration of having to adapt to a new lifestyle. How scary it is to have to discover yourself all over again. And the most challenging of all is having to explain an "invisible" though a very much present, chronic health condition to the public. I personally have learned the hard way that not all humans are sympathetic to people with physical limitations. Most of them usually think that you are exaggerating. The question now is; how does one remain positive in such situations as these?

Not all serious illnesses are visible.

Current statistics indicate that approximately 96% of all chronic health problems/illnesses are invisible. I suffer with a number of different chronic illnesses, and all of them are invisible. You simply cannot know just by looking at someone whether they're healthy or not.
Before I was diagnosed with psoriasis arthropathica (also known as Psoriatic arthritis), I was the kid that always had asthma, all kind of severe food allergies, seasonal allergies, pet allergies, dust allergies, etc. You name it I had it.
I had to learn to adjust to new lifestyle changes at a very young age. And just when I thought I had it all under control I was diagnosed a couple of years ago with a new chronic illness, psoriasis arthropathica.
Psoriasis arthropathica: Psoriatic arthritis is a chronic disease characterized by inflammation of the skin (psoriasis) and joints (arthritis). The arthritis frequently involve the knees, ankles, and joints in the feet. The inflamed joints become painful, swollen, hot, and red. Joint stiffness is common and is typically worse early in the morning.

Apparently I have had this illness since my teen years, but my doctor never caught on to it. His initial response was "I can't figure out what you have. You'll just have to learn to live with it."
Easier said than done, I thought. How in heavens name are you suppose to live with an illness if you don't know what you have? Again life threw me another curve ball. I started to lose faith. I didn't know what to do with myself. I have been dealing with chronic illnesses since birth and I was tired – literally. I had no energy left. I came to a point that I just wanted to lock myself up in my bedroom and stay there. But somehow I found the drive to keep on going and to my great surprise managed to stay in a positive frame of mind.

How to stay positive?

I'm not going to lie. Staying positive is a real challenge and sometimes exhausting. Especially when you are surrounded by people that don't even bother to try and understand the unexpected difficulties you have to face in life. How many times have I heard people say: "Oh. But you look so good, maybe you should try this –or do that. Or maybe you should try harder."
As if you just sit at home, twiddling your thumbs, doing nothing at all. That is like insulting a persons intelligence. Labelling them as "lazy"  "lacking drive" or "not trying hard enough", while all that individual does day in and day out is fight to survive is not fair. 
The simple fact is that some people (not all) just don't get it. You are constantly explaining or defending your condition. And that itself is an exhausting job. Unable to get people to understand the "invisible" illness, you have to try and make a decision that is best for yourself.  Remove all that is negative from your life and focus more on yourself and your health.
You feel much lighter once all negative influences are removed. A new flower starts to blossom it's the rebirth of you! The obstacles of life and its suffering (no matter who you are or what you are going throughis what shapes you. Learn to love yourself with all your heart, accept the person that you are (healthy or suffering with an  illness – visible or not), embrace all obstacle and curve balls life throws your way. Shed a positive light on the negative, be patient and don't give up! Though the thought of  having to start all over again might seem scary, the road to self discovery is worth the trip. 
 Quote of the day
 “The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.” 
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

Do you want to share your story or get involved to create awareness among your circle of influence check out this website:

Monday 1 July 2013

Weight loss, a tough adventures journey.

With summer up in the air I keep hearing the same dilemma’s I hear every year; "O Gosh I need to lose weight. Arggg, I can't fit into my clothes. God help me get back in shape. I need to look good for the summer." Sound familiar? 

Lots of people seem to be waiting for the summer to get motivated back into shape. And there is nothing wrong with that. I mean whatever gets you up and moving, it's all good. 
But why does summer have to be the great trigger? Why not just be fit for life? Allow a healthy lifestyle to be an everyday thing? Is it because people are quick to associate weight loss with starving themselves and sore muscles? If that's the case I can imagine how that particular thought might throw many off. But it shouldn't! Yes you will feel sore in the beginning, I'm not going to lie. But then again the struggle is worth the benefits.

A huge part of losing weight is believing that you can do it and realizing that it is not going to happen overnight! Remember, Rome was not built in one day. Losing weight and adapting to a new healthy lifestyle can be quite challenging.

Important questions to ask yourself is why you want or need to lose weight? Is it for health reasons? Is it because you want to look good in a skinny jeans? Or perhaps you are simply not happy with yourself? Whatever the answer is make sure that you are doing it for the right reasons. Mainly for YOUSELF!

Also I believe that it is important not to be too harsh on yourself. Yes, you have to stay committed and dedicated, set goals and stick to them. But it is also important to remember that we are all humans and that we make mistakes. Starting is never easy. How to stay in the game, that is the real challenge!

The benefits of an healthy lifestyle.

Losing weight can improve your health in many ways. Just losing 10% of your current weight can make a difference in the way you feel on a daily basis. Weight loss also...

  • Increases your energy level;
  • Lowers your cholesterol levels;
  • Reduces your blood pressure;
  • Reduces aches and pains;
  • Improves mobility;
  • Improves your breathing;
  • Helps you sleep better;
  • You wake up more rested;
  • And most importantly of all, you feel much happier and comfortable in your own skin.


    A workout should also be fun. Simply because people tend to go back to the things they like and enjoy the most. What keeps a workout fun for me is music. Quoting Bob Marley:
    "One thing about music when it hits you, you feel no pain."

    Though I have never experienced any weight problems, I have people in my immediate surroundings who do. Actually someone very dear to me had been diagnosed two years ago with breast cancer. Fortunately she got treated on time and the cancer was successfully removed. But she had a weight problem which she needed to get rid of fast. Determined and (quite understandable) shaken by the life threatening experience, she managed to turn her life around and got rid of the extra pounds.
    How? Dedication, music (the perfect pain killer), a good sense of humor and most importantly ...patience!

    Fitness isn't a luxury. It's a necessity. By thinking of exercise as just one of many important health habits, working out will become just as automatic as brushing your teeth, says exercise physiologist Amy Dixon. ~ (Source: Women's health magazine)
    I could not agree more. Stay fit!




    Tuesday 21 May 2013


    A deceptively complex question.

    The dictionary definition of happiness is: a state of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy; emotions experienced when in a state of well-being.

    Like many I spent a long time pursuing happiness, trying to figure out what it was. I looked for answers everywhere. It started with getting a higher education, followed by finding the right job after graduation, becoming financially secure and somewhere down the line, even possibly getting married and start my own family.

    Why? I would say that I was strongly influenced by family and friends, and society’s vision of what life is suppose to look like.

    Happiness by many is measured by the amount of money they have, their social status, or the type of job they hold. Most of us never take the time to actually think about what makes us happy. Most of the time we just go through the motion hoping that one day we will experience true happiness.



    Happiness is defined differently by each individual. People can attain happiness through physical or mental terms depending on hopes and aspirations.

    In my quest I discovered that true happiness is to be found within one self, in the state of our hearts. As Buddhism teaches us; we are each responsible for our own happiness or unhappiness.

    I believe this to be true.

    Happiness is what YOU make of it.



    "Happiness Within"

    High to low them ups and downs,
    Like my world, from smiles to frowns.
    Happiness is a place that seems in reach,
    One for oneself, we look to find it each.
    But is this a mission or are we all blinded to see?
    That's it's within ourselves, but we scorn to agree?
    The simplest things in life, are hard to be grateful for,
    Which is why happiness is dug deep into our core .
    Open your eyes and see its within,
    And once you see it, life well take you for a spin :)

    Author: Anymonous